
UMvC3 Moveset- Dark Pit

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Theme song: “Dark Pit Theme” (…)

Character Bio:

Real name: Dark Pit

Occupation: Flawed incomplete clone of Pit

Abilities: Dark Pit, true to his state as a clone, has a very similar fighting style to Pit, almost an exact copy. While he proves to be more aggressive, he can dodge, melee, shoot, and use a variety of weaponry like his rival. He has most of Pit's strengths, and can even fly with Pandora's powers

Weapons: Various weapons ranging from Blades, Claws, Bows, Clubs, etc. His trademark weapon is his self-named Dark Pit Staff

Profile: Dark Pit is a flawed, incomplete clone of Pit created by the Mirror of Truth. He serves as a rival to Pit and dons a portrayal of an antihero-like personality. Dubbed "Pittoo" by Palutena, which is the most common name that she, Pit, and other characters call him, he hates the nickname. His Power of Flight comes from Pandora's powers, which he stole after he and Pit defeated her, though it's subsequently lost after Pandora's resurrection. In terms of appearance, Dark Pit is nearly identical to Pit, with the most obvious differences being his black clothing, hair, low voice, and black wings. As Dark Pit is the physical manifestation of Pit's dark side, Dark Pit is said to represent the repressed feelings that Pit keeps to himself. Dark Pit is significantly more serious than his jovial counterpart, often having a more dry sense of humor. Dark Pit is more arrogant and cocky, claiming to be the original Pit. Dark Pit is also more aggressive and pragmatic than Pit, often striking opponents when their guard is down. Dark Pit proves to be sharper than Pit, possessing more common sense. This is shown when he deduces that it would take more than one soul to create an Underworld monster. Dark Pit's most notable trait is his independent streak. As the Mirror of Truth was destroyed before the process could be complete, Dark Pit becomes a neutral character, refusing to side with any of the gods. This is shown when he defies Pandora, and flat out refuses Medusa's offer for an alliance. During the Chaos Kin arc, Dark Pit's personality begins to progressively change. Once he realizes that if Pit dies, he would die as well, he becomes Pit's closest ally, fighting side by side to aid him in rescuing Palutena's soul. When Pit sacrifices himself to save Dark Pit, he is determined to save Pit at all costs, though it is possible that he still acts out of selfishness to keep his own life. Because Dark Pit seems to care for Pit yet remains belligerent towards him, he and Pit share an incoherent relationship.

First appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

Power Grid:
Intelligence: 4/7
Strength: 5/7
Speed: 5/7
Stamina: 6/7
Energy Projection: 6/7
Fighting Ability: 4/7

Intro: Dark Pit flies in from the top of the screen at high speeds, when he hits the ground he stands upright, points his Staff at the opponent while he spreads his wings

Intro lines:

“Game on!”

“Don’t expect to walk out of this in one piece.”

“Anyone who wants to die, step right up!”

“I am Dark Pit, servant to no other but myself!”

“I’m gonna launch straight into the stratosphere!”

Special Dialogue:

Vs. Thor: “Just because you’re a god doesn’t mean I will bow to you.”
Thor: “An angel with wicked intent? How unusual.”

Vs. Amaterasu: “Play dead, goddess.”

Vs. Shuma-Gorath: “Another creature of the Chaos Vortex, bring it on.”
Shuma-Gorath: “I am the only lord of chaos, and the only one you should fear.”

Vs. Ghost Rider: “Tell the underworld army I have no interest in assisting them.”
Ghost Rider: “You’re flying too close to the sun, boy.”

Vs. Firebrand: “Demonic scum, get out of my way!”
Firebrand: (“This one can be of use…”)

Deadpool: “Hey, since when did they put my OC in this game?”

Normal/Unique Attacks:

Light: a quick backhand strike
Medium: stab forward with staff
Heavy: a horizontal swing with staff

Light: low kick
Medium: low staff spin
Heavy: overhead downward staff swing

Special: upward staff swing

Light: forward punches
Medium: forward kicks
Heavy: upward staff swings
Special: downward staff swing

Forward: Dark Pit grabs the opponent, flies into the air and brings them crashing into the ground
Back: Dark Pit spins around with the opponent trailing behind and slams them on the ground behind him.

Special Moves:
QcF+A: Dark Pit Staff- All versions of this move can be charged. Dark Pit will aim his staff like a sniper rifle, taking aim at the opponent. The more charge this move has will increase its power, speed, and projectile size. L has Dark Pit take a knee aiming low with the staff, M has him standing and aim forward, H has him aim diagonally upward. This move will hard knockdown the opponent, unless the opponent is at a distance, in which it will wall bounce. This attack will gain power depending on how far the opponent is away from Dark Pit. Up close this staff does X2 less damage, in the middle it will do normal damage, and at the farthest distances this move does X4 damage. Can be done in air, L aims diagonally downward, OTGs and ground bounces.

DP+L: Burst Blade- On the ground, this move will have Dark Pit stab the blade forward 4 times, and then he will do a final lunging stab forward that will wall bounce the opponent, however, if you press an attack button before the final stab Dark Pit will do a follow up attack you can do follow up attacks even if you don’t hit the opponent in the first place (NOTE: this applies for ALL follow up attacks),
L has Dark Pit fire a flurry of close range green energy shots from the blade,

M has him fire three concentrated balls of green energy forward that travel full screen and do more damage but travels slower,

H has him fire one giant blast of green energy while he dives backwards, this blast of energy will hard knockdown the opponent.

If this move is done in the air, then Dark Pit will fire a burst of green energy from his Burst Blade weapon, the projectiles are scattered in front of Dark Pit, and do more damage when the opponent is close to him. The projectiles lose damage over distance and will eventually just burn off if they travel too far, they cannot make it full screen, pressing L while doing this attack will have him fire a giant blast of green energy diagonally downward, this move hits OTG and ground bounces

DP+M: Bullet Blade- Dark Pit will begin to fire a string of bullets from this weapon, they travel forward and hit multiple times, press a button during this attack for follow ups,

L has Dark Pit dive forward while firing 4 much larger and more damaging bullets at the opponent,

M has him jump forward and stab the blade into the ground in front of him if this move hits the opponent he will impale them to the ground and fire two bullets right into the opponent this can hit OTG,

H has him fire one single fast large bullet forward that explodes when it hits the opponent the explosion hard knockdowns.

If this move is done in the air, Dark Pit will fire a single bullet downward right below him, this bullet can OTG, explodes when it comes in contact with player or ground, and ground bounces the opponent

DP+H: Samurai Blade- This move can be charged, Dark Pit will ready the katana blade the way a samurai would, releasing the attack button has Dark Pit do three horizontal slash with the weapon, the more charge is more power and range, the final hit will wall bounce, but you can press an attack button for a follow up attack.

L has Dark Pit aim the blade forward a fire a burst of tiny sword blade projectiles forward,

M has him fire three horizontal bigger slash projectiles forward that travel slower but deal more damage,

H has him fire forward a projectile that is a flurry of slashing blades that kind of resembles Vergil’s Judgement Cut attack this move hits the opponent multiple times and even drags the opponent.

When this move is done in the air Dark Pit will fire forward an X shaped projectile made of blades, it travels forward for a little before falling straight down, hitting OTG

QcB+L: Wolf Claws- Dark Pit will run forward a little before doing an outward slash with both of these burning claws, the claws do fire damage and can wall bounce the opponent, after doing this move you can press an attack button for a follow up attack,

L has Dark Pit fire off close range fire projectiles from his claws they will do burning damage to the opponent,

M has Dark Pit dive backwards while he fires off four fireball projectiles from his claws that travel full screen and explode on contact with the opponent leaving them burning and slightly open for more attacks,

H has him fire off a fast moving burning claw projectile that will hit the opponent multiple times and deal burning damage and hard knockdowns.

When this move is done is air, Dark Pit will fire the burning claw projectiles at a diagonal downward angle, this move OTGs and creates a pillar of fire to keep the opponent in place.

QcB+M: Raptor Claws- Dark Pit will jump forward with a hop and then slash downwards with these claws, this move will ground bounce the opponent, press an attack button for a follow up attack,

L has him fire a flurry of mini claw like projectiles forward damaging the opponent hitting multiple times,

M has him dive forward and fires three horizontal projectiles forward, they travel fast and hit the opponent three times,

H has him launch forward a fast spinning claw projectile that will hit the opponent multiple times and will even drag them along till it disappears.

Doing this move in the air will have Dark Pit dive diagonally downward while slashing with these claws, this move can hit OTG and can be followed up with the above follow up attacks.

QcB+H: Bear Claws- Dark Pit will do two downward slashes with the claws then follow up with two more upward slashes, these claws actually produce much bigger claws providing more range and more damage than other the other claws. Has follow up moves,

L has him stab the opponent with his claws then slam them on the other side of him causing a ground bounce

M has him fire forward two sets of a triangular formation of big needle shaped projectiles,

H has him fire forward two bigger versions of the bear claws these will hard knockdown the opponent.

In the air, this move has Dark Pit descend straight into the ground stabbing these claws into the ground, this OTGs, and then he does a forward slash that wall bounce.

RDP+L: Darkness Bow- Dark Pit will ready the Darkness Bow, this move can be charged for more power and speed, Dark Pit will fire forward a single arrow made up of darkness, the arrow does more damage the more distance it travels, you can fire two more arrows in rapid succession after firing the first, while charging the shot you can tap backward or forward to dash in that direction and Dark Pit will fire three arrows in succession, dashing has invincibility frames.

If you charge the bow for long enough, the bow will glow a dark purple color and when you release the button you will dire a bigger arrow made of darkness that will travel faster, and has more damage, this move will wall bounce, while charged you can dash back or forward and then fire the charged shot.

Do this move in the air to have Dark Pit fire forward 6 quick arrows forward.

RDP+M: Crystal Bow- Dark Pit will ready the Crystal Bow, you can charge this move for more power and range, he will fire forward a yellow crystal projectile that travels slow and not a far distance but does more damage than other bows, you can fire up to two more shots in rapid succession, when charging the shot you can tap back or forward to dive in that direction and then fire the shot if you do you cannot fire any more shots, diving has invincibility frames.

If you charge the bow for long enough, the bow will glow a light blue and when you release the button you will fire a bigger light blue crystal projectile that travels faster, hits multiple times and is more powerful, this move will hard knockdown, when it is charged you can dive forward or backwards and then fire the shot.

Do this move in the air to have Dark Pit fire the crystal shaped projectile at a diagonal downward angle, this move can OTG.

RDP+H: Silver Bow- Dark Pit will ready the Silver Bow, this move can be charged as well, he will fire forward a green arrow projectile that can actually track the opponent, the more charge is power, speed, and tracking ability, you can fire up to two more after as well, dashing will have Dark Pit fire a single rotating arrow that is slower but has superior tracking than the normal shots.

At full charge the bow will glow light green and releasing the button fires a bigger rotating arrow that tracks the opponent the best and does more damage, it can track grounded opponents and OTG, you can also dash before firing the shot like with other bows.

Doing this move in air has Dark Pit fire three quick arrows that track and can OTG grounded opponents.

HCF+L: Needle Palm- Dark Pit will use this Palm to fire forward five very quick needle projectiles forward, this move actually does more chip damage than any normal attack would normally do. Has follow up moves,

L has Dark Pit fire forward ten needles all at once which does more damage and more chip damage an opponent hit with this move will be impaled by the needles and take damage over time for a bit,

M has him fire the ten needles directly upward then after a bit they fall back down to the ground in front of Dark Pit this OTGs and impales,

H has Dark Pit slam the ground with his palm causing spikes to raise from the ground around him this OTGs and hard knockdowns.

Doing this move in the air has Dark Pit fire the ten needles at one at a diagonal downward angle which OTGs

HCF+M: Cursed Palm- With this Palm, Dark Pit will fire forward three cursed shots, these shots travel slowly travel full screen, but lose power over distance, if an opponent is hit will all three shots, they will be cursed, meaning they will take damage over time. Follow up attacks,

L has Dark Pit fire forward a large cursed shot that will travel slowly and track the opponent this move does more damage and curses the opponent even more than the normal shots,

M has him set a stationary curse shot right in front of him this one hits multiples times and curses,

H has him rush forward and if he grabs the opponent he will make three cursed shots orbit the opponent then toss the opponent away the shots will orbit the opponent for five seconds before attacking the opponent at once.

Doing this move in air will have Dark Pit fire a slow moving large cursed shot diagonally downwards, it hits the ground and bounces and starts travelling diagonally upward.

HCF+H: Cutter Palm- With this Palm, Dark Pit will toss forward three light ring blade projectiles that travel full screen very quickly, has follow ups,

L has Dark Pit one bigger, faster ring that spins vertically that does good damage,

M has him send the bigger ring at an upward diagonal angle,

H has him make a big light ring spin vertically continuously right in front of him for three seconds this can juggle the opponent.

Do this move in the air to fire the bigger light ring at a diagonal downward angle, when it hits the ground it will begin to roll on the ground for a few seconds, this OTGs.

HCB+L: Black Club- Dark Pit will slam this club down on the ground in front of him this fires a slow moving rotating projectile which shape can be best described as an octahedron made up of cubes, these lumbering projectile hits multiple times and can juggle the opponent, the initial slam of this move OTGs and ground bounces.

Doing this move in the air has Dark Pit swing the club horizontally, this swing can reflect projectiles, and the swing fires forward a large spherical ball projectile that hits the opponent and hard knockdowns.

HCB+M: Atlas Club- Dark Pit will thrust this club shaped like a fist forward, “punching” the opponent with it as well as firing a fast moving light projectile that explodes on contact with the opponent, if it hits the opponent a second smaller light projectile will form and track the opponent, able to hit the opponent another time.

Doing this move in air has Dark Pit slam the fist into the ground after he quickly descends and then slams the fist in front of him firing a faster light projectile forward, the two first slam OTGs the second one hard knockdowns.

HCB+H: Ogre Club- Dark Pit will swing this club horizontally while doing a spin, this fires a lumbering ball of dark energy in a diagonal upward way, the projectile juggles the opponent, the initial swing causes a wall bounce.

Do this move in air to have Dark Pit slam the club onto the ground below him and fires a large very slow red energy projectile that will juggle the opponent, the initial slam OTGs and ground bounces

DD+L: Shock Orbitars- Do this motion to make two Shock Orbitars appear and float above Dark Pit’s shoulders, while the orbitars orbit you, you can mash the L button to fire forward up to 12 little ball shaped projectiles that are made up of lightning, these projectiles go half screen and inflict electric damage to the opponent.

You can hold the L button to charge up a shot as well, when charged and you release the button you will fire forward two arrow shaped projectiles of lightning that also rotate, this shot does more damage and travels further, an opponent hit with this will be shocked and open for attacks for a short while.

You can do these attacks in air as well. The Orbitars will go away after 10 seconds and you cannot use another set Orbitars for 5 seconds, do this motion again to cancel out the Orbitars, this applies for all Orbitars.

DD+M: Jetstream Orbitars- Two Jetstream Orbitars will orbit you, mash the M button to fire up to 12 gust of air projectiles that will damage and push the opponent away from you, even on block.

Hold the button for a charged shot, this charged shot is a much larger gust of wind that travels further and pushes the opponent even more, at close range this move wall bounces, if you tap back and then release the charged shot you will fire an even bigger ball of wind that goes a few feet in front of Dark Pit and will slowly rise up and grow in size for a short while, this move juggles the opponent.

All of this can be done in air

DD+H: Eyetrack Orbitars- Two Eyetrack orbitars will orbit you, mash the H button to fire up to 12 eye shaped projectiles that will actually track the opponent down, can OTG grounded opponents.

Hold down the button for a charged shot, the charged shot is a pair of large pulsating eye shaped projectiles that have increased damage and tracking ability, they hit the opponent once and hard knockdown, tap forward and then release the button to fire a faster charged shot, you can also tap back and then release the button to fire a much slower charged shot.

All of this can be done in air.

Hold back then Forward+L: Electroshock Arm- Dark Pit will quickly rush forward a do an uppercut attack with this arm weapon, this attack hard knockdowns the opponent and does electric damage, all arm attacks have super armor and can deflect projectiles, press L again to fire a large ball of electricity projectile that will hit the opponent four times and leave them a little paralyzed and open for attacks.

This can be done in air

Hold back then Forward+M: Drill Arm- Dark Pit will quickly rush forward while stabbing this spinning drill weapon forward, it hits the opponent 6 times and the seventh hit wall bounces the opponent, press M after this move to fire forward a large drill projectile that will travel forward and hit the opponent 8 times before leaving them in a hard knockdown state.

This can be done in air

Hold back then Forward+H: Volcano Arm- Dark Pit will quickly rush forward and slam this arm weapon down into the ground, creating a little eruption of lava as he does, this move can OTG and will ground bounce, the lava does extra burning damage to the opponent, press H after to launch forward a lava covered projectile that will inflict burning damage to the opponent.

This move can be done in air, but it causes Dark Pit to fall straight into the ground while slamming this arm weapon.

QcF+S: Doom Cannon- Dark Pit will aim forward this cannon, you can hold down the button to delay the shot, this cannon fires forward a very slow moving dark purple projectile, if it touches the opponent it will explode and create an expanding dark area that will do ongoing damage until the area disappears. Can be done in air

DP+S:: Predator Cannon- Dark Pit will use this cannon to fire a ball of fire in a parabolic arch, this projectile will explode and hit multiple times when it comes into contact with the opponent or the ground, this move can OTG. Can be done in air, when done in air it travels straight.

QcB+S: Dynamo Cannon- Dark Pit fires a slow moving ball of electricity from this cannon, the ball will travel halfway and then explode creating an area of electricity that can damage and juggle the opponent, if an opponent is hit with the projectile it will stick to the opponent and then explode, but only if it’s not blocked, this move can hit grounded opponents. Can be done in air

RDP+S: Dark Flight- Dark Pit will activate his wings allowing him to fly

Hyper Combos:

QcF+AA: Critical Shot (Level 1)- Dark Pit aims his staff forward and charges up a shot, then fires one deadly shot that will track the opponent down and hard knockdown, this move is like Hawkeye’s ‘Gimlet’ HC, this move can OTG

QcB+AA: Pandora’s Wings (Level 1)- Dark Pit will activate his wings, while this is active, Dark Pit has infinite flight and all of his projectile attacks will track the opponent and have increased damage and speed.

DP+AA: Dark Heavens (Level 3)- Dark Pit will rush forward with his Electroshock Arm, if he connects the super will start, the opponent is launched high up into the air, the camera show them rising into the air and they will “twinkle” in the sky, Dark Pit will activate his wings and fly after the opponent, he gets to the opponent and pulls out his Silver Bow and breaks it apart to make two blades, he will begin to slash at the opponent while flying all around them, he will hit a total of 16 times, he will then fly pass the opponent while slashing through them and Dark Pit will be above the opponent, he will aim his bow down at the opponent and charge a large purple arrow, he fires the arrow and it will drag the opponent back down to the ground, Dark Pit will again fly downward to chase after the opponent, he will go right past the opponent, as they are falling down due to the arrow, he lands on the ground and pulls out his Dark Pit Staff, he charges it up and aims it straight ahead, the opponent will crash into the ground and bounce right off the ground, Dark Pit will say “Goodbye!” and fire a single shot from his staff that hits the opponent and ends the HC, the opponent is left in a hard knockdown state

A: Silver Bow
B: Black Club
Y: Electroshock Arm

Taunt: Dark Pit will rest his staff on his shoulders while saying either: “Who wants some?” “Better get serious!”

Victory Pose: Dark Pit will begin to twirl his staff around, after a few twirls he aims it at the camera and spreads his wings

Victory Lines:

“Looks like I’m the last man standing.”

“Look at you, you’re finished.”

“Can’t help but feel sorry for ya.”

“Nice try.”

“Hmm, get out of my sight.”

Special Victory Lines:

Vs. Thor: “You gods always fight for the stupidest reasons.”
Thor: “All wicked foes fall to Mjolnir.”

Vs. Amaterasu: “A goddess who can’t even talk, pathetic.”

Vs. Shuma-Gorath: “Back into the Chaos Vortex with you.”
Shuma-Gorath: “Chaos Dimension is much different from this Vortex you speak of.”

Vs. Ghost Rider: “I can take on the whole Underworld Army myself.”
Ghost Rider: “Angels aren’t safe from my judgement.”

Vs. Firebrand: “Tell your leader I’m coming for him next.”
Firebrand: (“Impressive, I must inform my master.”)

Vs. Galactus: “Now THAT’s how you take down a boss.”

Deadpool: “Take that Pittoo! See? I called him the thing that he hates being called.”

Victory Screen Quotes:

“Was that seriously the best you could do?”

“You’ve brought this on yourself.”

“I won’t let anyone stand in my way.”

“Pit? No, you got me confused with the puppet.”

“Seriously, stop calling me Pittoo!”

Special Victory Screen Quotes:

Vs. Amaterasu: “You must work for Viridi, tell her I will not be her puppet!”

Vs. Shuma-Gorath: “The Chaos Kin was a much bigger threat than you.”
Shuma-Gorath: “Now, I’ll show you true Chaos

Vs. Ghost Rider: “Judge me? I’d like to see you try.”
Ghost Rider: “Your entire existence is darkness, how unfortunate for you.”

Vs. Firebrand: “Tell your boss I have no interest in working for him, in fact, I’ll take him down myself!”
Firebrand: (“You will be an excellent ally to lord Astaroth”)

Vs. Rocket Raccoon: “I highly doubt this was Viridi’s doing.”

Hawkeye: “I out shot an angel? Better put that on my resume.”

Alternate Costume: Got None

Pittoo - Beat Arcade mode with Dark Pit on any difficulty

Incomplete Clone - Beat Arcade mode with Dark Pit on Very Hard

Servant To No One - Complete 5 missions with Dark Pit

Dark Winged Doppelgänger- Complete all missions with Dark Pit

Fallen Angel - Use Dark Pit 30 times

Pit’s Dark Side - Use Dark Pit 100 Times
Ok... This took longer than expected, I wanted to use a bunch of weapons from Uprising, so I went out and got the game for research, it took a while to find the weapons I wanted to use, and describing how they work was a bit of a challenge, no matter, Uprising is an awesome game that you have to play if you haven't already.

Anyway, Dark Pit is actually my main is Smash 4, why not Pit? I actually don't know, they have like 3 differences in all, but Pit doesn't feel as powerful I guess... I think Nintendo could've easily mad Dark Pit not a clone character, heck he could use his Dark Pit Staff, a set of claws, and a club and BAM, original moveset, but oh well, maybe in Smash 5.

Ok, so this is my 99th moveset... time to finally work on moveset 100! Who could it be? You can guess, but I will not give any hints at all... who could it be...

Only one way to find out, you'll have to wait. 
© 2016 - 2024 Anti-Ho0f
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KingOfFiction's avatar
........So many freaking weapons! Damn!

Before discussing the set (Again don't expect a lot of detail, i don't have the same kind of mind set like you when it comes to analysing) my opinion no Dark Pit: To this day i still haven't played a Kid Icarus game but i plan too, as said in your Shulk set i want to use much nintendo characters as i can, especially the main characters. I would like to do Pit one day but if it's as you said you used all the weapons in the game....i might end up making a clone set of Dark Pit....ironic i know.

So i don't know if i'll make a set for Pit now but i haven't played the games yet so maybe i will do one anyway? Who knows.

Anyway onto set......well like i said so many weapons, i really love the Dark Bow attack, i think that one suits him the most and i especially love the Volcanic Arm attack. You really went all out with this set, sometimes i wish i had a mindset on move lists like yours, true i make my own kind of uniqueness for some characters but when it comes to some i thought would be somewhat difficult to make, you hit them right on the head, but i guess only because you concetrate on the obscure kind rather than obvious characters.

Oh that level 3 is just badass and awesome!